Pre-Operative Clinic

The Pre-Oper­a­tive Clin­ic aims to improve your expe­ri­ence when prepar­ing for surgery. Our providers review your med­ical records, ensure the appro­pri­ate tests are com­plet­ed, and coor­di­nate the nec­es­sary steps to con­firm that the patient is ready for surgery.

We also ensure that all nec­es­sary infor­ma­tion is avail­able for your sur­geon and care team on the day of surgery. For your con­ve­nience, we offer all test­ing in one loca­tion to ensure your over­all suc­cess before and after surgery.

What to Bring to Your Pre-Oper­a­tive Clin­ic Visit

• Your cur­rent med­ical insur­ance card

• Medicare card (if necessary)

• Your pho­to ID

• A com­plete, up-to-date list of all cur­rent med­ica­tions, herbal sup­ple­ments, and over-the-counter med­i­cines with the fol­low­ing information

• Med­ica­tion dose

• Fre­quen­cy of tak­ing medication

• Rea­son for tak­ing medication

**Feel free to bring in your med­ica­tion bot­tles if that is eas­i­er for you

Prepar­ing for Your Appoint­ment at the Pre-Oper­a­tive Clinic

You may eat, drink, and take your med­ica­tions accord­ing to your reg­u­lar sched­ule before a pre-oper­a­tive exam or test unless advised oth­er­wise by your sur­geon. Your vis­it with the pre-oper­a­tive clin­ic will last approx­i­mate­ly 60 to 90 min­utes, depend­ing on which tests and/​or stud­ies you may need.

On the day of your vis­it, you will receive detailed infor­ma­tion on the following:

• How to pre­pare for your surgery, includ­ing med­ica­tion and dietary instructions

• What to expect the day before your surgery

• What to expect the morn­ing of your surgery The Pre-Oper­a­tive Clin­ic is locat­ed at: The South Bend Clin­ic- Day Rd. Cam­pus 301 E. Day Rd. Mishawa­ka, IN 46545 Hours: Mon­day-Fri­day: 8am to 5pm Phone: 574−400−7099 Fax: 574−968−0241

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